The BGA Catholic Community Celebrates the Living Stations of the Cross
Posted on 04/12/2017
On Tuesday, April 11, 2017, the Bishop Ahr High School community prayed the Stations of the Cross.

A Holy Week tradition at BGA, the stations were presented in the Little Theatre to each grade level. The characters of each station were played by Bishop Ahr students from all grade levels.  The dramatic presentation was directed by Mrs. Lea Gossett, drama director, and music was provided by Mr. Joseph Cullinan, music director, along with the Select Choir.  In the evening the Stations were presented once again for family and friends of the BGA community.  Many Felician Sisters from the Metuchen Diocese and the Central Convent in Lodi, as well as parents and alumni participated in this ritual.  A simple soup supper prepared by the Alumni Dama family was served before the ritual in the school cafeteria. A free-will offering at supper was taken up and will be given to TASK – the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen – where the BGA students volunteer.
To begin, all in attendance were invited to walk the path taken by Jesus of Nazareth.  Father Keith Cervine and Deacon Rich Lutomski then prayed:  Let us now – you and me – all walk with him and encounter those he met, pray with him and them, and meet ourselves on this road taken for our salvation.

Each station was introduced with the words:  We adore you, Jesus, and we thank you. We pray that by the power of your Holy Cross, we may walk with you and change the world.

At the end of the prayer ritual, Sister Cynthia Babyak, Campus Minister, shared with each audience a short reflection on the importance of F.R.O.G.  – fully rely on God!   We all use texting and the many acronyms that have been thought up.  Letters like BFF – which translates to Best Friends Forever or the ever popular LOL – laugh out loud! Or EFE – which means excuse for everything.  These and so many other acronyms have taken the place of real communication between two people.   When life throws us a curve ball, we need to put God on speed dial and F.R.O.G.!  Relying on God and turning it over to Him means we communicate with God (pray) and he will pull all of the pieces together!  God will pick up the pieces and use them to make something beautiful.  Good relationships are built with good communication! Besides strengthening our relationship with God we need to strengthen our relationships with each other.  Eleven of the most important words ever spoken to heal relationships and bring closure are:  Please forgive me.  I forgive you.  Thank you.  I love you.  These four simple sentences express reconciliation, gratitude, and affection.  They are words people need to hear and weave into their lives so that their life will be filled with peace and joy.  Living these words strengthens our relationship with God and with each other  F.R.O.G!”  

What a blessed way to end the Lenten Season here at BGA as we anticipate the great Feast of Easter.